Brodhead Watershed Association
These two local organizations, each operating for more than 25 years in Monroe County, have together been responsible for protecting the area's high-quality drinking water ~ and the land it depends on ~ throughout the Brodhead watershed.
Brodhead Watershed Association is a grassroots organization, founded in 1989 by a group of citizens concerned about the impacts of hyper-development on water quality. Our mission is to protect and enhance water quality and quantity in the greater Brodhead watershed. Successes include: assembling scientific data over two decades on stream health, educating the public and elected officials on how water works and how they can help keep drinking water pure, advocating smart water policy, and installing and advising on green infrastructure to keep water safe.
Pocono Heritage Land Trust is a grassroots organization, founded in 1984 by a group of citizens determined to protect the scenic beauty of the Poconos. Our mission is to conserve sensitive lands, including farmland, ridge tops, and the headwaters and tributaries of the Brodhead, Paradise and other creeks and streams of the Poconos. Using many conservative options, such as conservation easements, as well as outright purchase, PHLT currently has under protection more than 4,000 acres.
Pocono Heritage Land Trust